Maximiliano Firtman's articles, notes and learning experiences for

JavaScript Design Patterns for Web Apps

4.5-hour online video course for web professionals on JavaScript

by Maximiliano Firtman Twitter @firt About Newsletter

Available for Frontend Masters subscribers

Architect scalable web apps by applying design patterns in JavaScript! Implement classic patterns like Singleton, Factory, and Observer alongside modern patterns for single-page and multi-page architectures. Enhance your ability to build robust, efficient web applications using pure JavaScript without relying on external libraries or frameworks.

Take the Course

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In this 4.5-hour course we'll see:

  • Understanding Design Patterns
  • What are Design Patterns?
  • Components of a Design Pattern
  • Design Patterns for VanillaJS Web Apps
  • Classic Patterns
  • Singleton & Factory Patterns
  • Decorator Pattern
  • Adapter, Mixin, & Value Object Patterns
  • Observer & Template Method Patterns
  • Memento & Command Patterns
  • Refactoring Using Classic Patterns
  • Todo Masters Project Setup
  • ECMAScript Modules & globalThis
  • Observer Pattern with Mixins
  • Creating the Data Classes
  • Adding TodoList Methods
  • Add & Delete Commands
  • Rendering TodoList Items
  • Saving Todos in LocalStorage
  • Adding Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Undo with Memento Pattern
  • Single Page Application Patterns
  • Coffee Masters Project Tour
  • Lazy Loading JavaScript Components
  • View Transitions
  • Morphing Elements Between Pages
  • HTML Template Interpolation
  • Routing Metadata
  • Multi-Page Application Patterns
  • Cooking Masters Project Tour
  • Prefetch & Prerender
  • State Management Patterns & Advanced Ideas
  • Promisify, Flux, & Redux Patterns
  • Lazy Sync, Proxy, & Middleware Patterns
  • Advanced Ideas

Free 15 minutes preview available.

You can also request a live custom workshop for you or your team on the topics of this course. Let's keep in touch

Half typewriter, half computer

© Maximiliano Firtman (@firt) contains a collection of writings, thoughts, notes and learning experiences for web and mobile app developers authored by Maximiliano Firtman.

Contact me: Personal Website Buy Me A Coffee